Prices for licensing our photos for professional use. The prices exclude VAT, but VAT will not be added if you are a registrered company in the EU with a VAT number or outside the EU. Contact us at
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Rockfoto Pro
if you already are a registered customer.
Note: the prices displayed are converted automatically from SEK to EUR and are just an approximation. Please contact us for a formal offer.
→ Bild för teckningsunderlag
All formats
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- Alla upplagor → €71.65
→ Image on TV
Tv broadcast
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- Per sändning → €143.29
→ Image in ad
Small image
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 10 000 → €268.67
- < 50 000 → €358.23
- < 250 000 → €537.35
- < 1 000 000 → €806.02
- < 3 000 000 → €985.13
Dominerande bild
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 10 000 → €447.79
- < 50 000 → €537.35
- < 250 000 → €716.46
- < 1 000 000 → €1,164.25
- < 3 000 000 → €1,612.04
→ Image in banner on Internet
Banner ad
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 1 månad visningstid → €358.23
- < 6 månader visningstid → €626.90
- < 1 år visningstid → €895.58
→ Image in book or educational media
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 5 000 → €98.51
- < 10 000 → €116.42
- < 50 000 → €143.29
- < 100 000 → €161.20
Full page
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 5 000 → €116.42
- < 10 000 → €134.34
- < 50 000 → €170.16
- < 100 000 → €188.07
Cover/spread/protective cover
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 5 000 → €268.67
- < 10 000 → €349.27
- < 50 000 → €403.01
- < 100 000 → €492.57
→ Image in information and AV material
Utbildning, föredrag, teater, ej reklam (1 år)
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- Alla upplagor → €80.60
Kommersiellt bruk (1 år)
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- Alla upplagor → €161.20
→ Bild i kommersiell trycksak
Insida, mindre bild
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 5 000 → €179.12
- < 50 000 → €223.89
- < 100 000 → €268.67
Insida, dominerande bild
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 5 000 → €223.89
- < 50 000 → €268.67
- < 100 000 → €313.45
Omslag, mindre bild
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 5 000 → €197.03
- < 50 000 → €241.81
- < 100 000 → €286.58
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 5 000 → €286.58
- < 50 000 → €358.23
- < 100 000 → €465.70
→ Image in press release
Press release
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- Alla upplagor → €223.89
→ Image in exhibition or showcase
Tillfällig utställning, max 3 månader
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- 1 bild → €232.85
Permament- eller vandringsutställning, max 1 år
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- 1 bild → €340.32
Digital Fil For Print Pa Tavla
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- 1 bild → €88.66
→ Image on Internet or Intranet
Commercial use
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 3 mån → €89.56
- < 6 mån → €116.42
- < 1 år → €179.12
- < 2 år → €340.32
Editorial use
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 3 mån → €71.65
- < 6 mån → €89.56
- < 1 år → €116.42
- < 2 år → €161.20
Ideell organisation, blogg, sociala medier
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 3 mån → €35.82
- < 6 mån → €62.69
- < 1 år → €89.56
- < 2 år → €134.34
→ Image on poster, advertising pillar
Up to 70x100 cm
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 100 → €268.67
- < 500 → €403.01
- < 2 000 → €537.35
Bigger than 70x100 cm
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 100 → €537.35
- < 500 → €806.02
- < 2 000 → €1,253.81
Bus, tram and subway advertisment, less than a year
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- Alla upplagor → €2,418.05
→ Image on postcard/corporate card/letter
Normal size
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 3 000 → €188.07
- > 3 000 → €268.67
Double panorama
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 3 000 → €331.36
- > 3 000 → €403.01
→ Bild till Blu-Ray, DVD, CD eller Kasett
Small image
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 5 000 → €170.16
- < 10 000 → €214.94
- < 50 000 → €268.67
Dominerande bild
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 5 000 → €429.88
- < 10 000 → €626.90
- < 50 000 → €985.13
→ Newspapers
All formats
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- Alla upplagor → €107.47
→ Editorial use
Insida, mindre bild
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 3 000 → €70.75
- < 10 000 → €89.56
- < 50 000 → €102.99
- < 250 000 → €116.42
- > 250 000 → €125.38
Insida, dominerande bild
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 3 000 → €107.47
- < 10 000 → €125.38
- < 50 000 → €134.34
- < 250 000 → €143.29
- > 250 000 → €161.20
Omslag, mindre bild
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 3 000 → €125.38
- < 10 000 → €143.29
- < 50 000 → €161.20
- < 250 000 → €170.16
- > 250 000 → €179.12
Omslag, dominerande bild/uppslag
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 3 000 → €179.12
- < 10 000 → €201.50
- < 50 000 → €223.89
- < 250 000 → €268.67
- > 250 000 → €313.45
→ Image for artist/band
Image for album cover
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 5 000 → €429.88
- < 10 000 → €626.90
- < 50 000 → €985.13
Photo for booklet (inside of album)
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- < 5 000 → €170.16
- < 10 000 → €214.94
- < 50 000 → €268.67
Photo for internet use (low resolution)
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- Bild för hemsida → €67.17
- Bild för Facebook → €35.82
- Bild för hemsida och Facebook → €85.08
Press photo (high resolution)
- (Circulation) → (Price)
- Användning i 3 månader → €134.34
- Användning i 1 år → €223.89
- Användning i 3 år → €403.01