
3 jun - 5 June 2016

05 June

20160611 203640 295466

2016-06-05: Sabbat

20160611 203511 952477

2016-06-05: Deathhammer

20160611 203512 813799

2016-06-05: Diamond head

20160611 203820 210426

2016-06-05: Slough Feg

20160611 205619 454694

2016-06-05: Hällas

20160611 203646 496946

2016-06-05: Lonley kamel

20160611 203542 585099

2016-06-05: Lethal steel

20160611 203543 411000

2016-06-05: King witch

20160611 203636 923543

2016-06-05: MaidaVale

20160611 203818 878887

2016-06-05: Tornet

04 June

20160611 201152 773266

2016-06-04: Black lung

20160611 200216 504770

2016-06-04: Metalucifer

20160611 200215 256880

2016-06-04: Lizzies

20160611 200312 843584

2016-06-04: Neon rose

20160611 200347 581318

2016-06-04: Wucan

20160611 195834 932686

2016-06-04: Ambush

20160611 200347 930035

2016-06-04: Second sun

20160611 200343 380235

2016-06-04: Salem

20160611 200350 38144

2016-06-04: The temple

20160611 195923 768336

2016-06-04: Banditos

03 June

20160611 201507 905660

2016-06-03: Wytch hazel

20160611 201424 169921

2016-06-03: Satan

20160607 222308 922230

2016-06-03: Antichrist

20160607 222634 917882

2016-06-03: Rock Goddess

20160607 222439 4274

2016-06-03: Flight

20160607 222918 61582

2016-06-03: Vardis

20160607 222841 646965

2016-06-03: Taiwaz

20160607 222918 908017

2016-06-03: Tysondog

Friday 3 jun

Time Artist Stage
10:00 Områdesbilder Muskelrock
15:00 Lecherous gaze Muskelrock
16:00 Tysondog Muskelrock
17:00 Taiwaz Muskelrock
18:00 Vardis Muskelrock
19:00 Flight Muskelrock
20:00 Rock Goddess Muskelrock
21:00 Antichrist Muskelrock
21:30 Satan Muskelrock
21:45 Wytch hazel Muskelrock

Saturday 4 jun

Time Artist Stage
12:00 Banditos Muskelrock
13:00 The temple Muskelrock
14:00 Salem Muskelrock
15:00 Second sun Muskelrock
16:00 Ambush Muskelrock
17:00 Wucan Muskelrock
18:00 Neon rose Muskelrock
19:00 Lizzies Muskelrock
20:00 Metalucifer Muskelrock
21:00 Heathens of the north Muskelrock
21:30 Kat & Roman Kostrzewski Muskelrock
21:45 Black lung Muskelrock

Sunday 5 jun

Time Artist Stage
12:00 Tornet Muskelrock
13:00 MaidaVale Muskelrock
14:00 King witch Muskelrock
15:00 Lethal steel Muskelrock
16:00 Lonley kamel Muskelrock
17:00 Hällas Muskelrock
18:00 Mindless Sinner Muskelrock
19:00 Slough Feg Muskelrock
20:00 Diamond head Muskelrock
21:00 Deathhammer Muskelrock
21:30 Sabbat Muskelrock


Published 16:06 the 6 jun 2016 by Niklas Gustavsson
20160606 182937 934654
All photos