29 jun - 1 July 2023
01 July

2023-07-01: J.I.D
Photo: Alexander Tillheden

2023-07-01: Mumford & Sons
Photo: Alexander Tillheden and ...

2023-07-01: Lil Nas X
Photo: Alexander Tillheden and ...

2023-07-01: The 1975
Photo: Sofia Blomgren and ...

2023-07-01: OneRepublic
Photo: Alexander Tillheden

2023-07-01: Victor Leksell
Photo: Alexander Tillheden and ...

2023-07-01: Japanese Breakfast
Photo: Alexander Tillheden

2023-07-01: Maja Francis
Photo: Sofia Blomgren

2023-07-01: Dina Ögon
Photo: Alexander Tillheden

2023-07-01: Cornelia Jakobs
Photo: Sofia Blomgren

2023-07-01: Peggy Gou
Photo: Alexander Tillheden

2023-07-01: estraden
Photo: Alexander Tillheden

2023-07-01: Peg Parnevik
Photo: Sofia Blomgren
30 June

2023-06-30: King Princess
Photo: Alexander Tillheden

2023-06-30: Icona Pop
Photo: Alexander Tillheden

2023-06-30: Lizzo
Photo: Alexander Tillheden and ...

2023-06-30: Zara Larsson
Photo: Alexander Tillheden and ...

2023-06-30: Thomas Stenström
Photo: Sofia Blomgren

2023-06-30: Dean Lewis
Photo: Sofia Blomgren

2023-06-30: Daniela Rathana
Photo: Sofia Blomgren and ...

2023-06-30: Iann Dior
Photo: Alexander Tillheden

2023-06-30: Maisie Peters
Photo: Sofia Blomgren

2023-06-30: Holly Humberstone
Photo: Alexander Tillheden

2023-06-30: bbno$
Photo: Sofia Blomgren
29 June

2023-06-29: Fatboy Slim
Photo: Björn Bergenheim and ...

2023-06-29: Mando Diao
Photo: Sofia Blomgren

2023-06-29: Kygo
Photo: Björn Bergenheim and ...

2023-06-29: Miss Li
Photo: Alexander Tillheden and ...

2023-06-29: L'Impératrice
Photo: Alexander Tillheden

2023-06-29: The Rose
Photo: Sofia Blomgren

2023-06-29: Sofi Tukker
Photo: Björn Bergenheim

2023-06-29: Chinchilla
Photo: Alexander Tillheden

2023-06-29: Sabrina Carpenter
Photo: Alexander Tillheden and ...

2023-06-29: Parham
Photo: Alexander Tillheden

2023-06-29: Baby Queen
Photo: Sofia Blomgren

2023-06-29: Molly Hammar
Photo: Sofia Blomgren

2023-06-29: Hot Milk
Photo: Sofia Blomgren
Thursday 29 jun
Time | Artist | Stage |
11:30 | Hot Milk | Bay Stage |
13:15 | Molly Hammar | Bay Stage |
14:00 | Baby Queen | Park Stage |
14:27 | Parham | Park Stage |
15:00 | Sabrina Carpenter | Bay Stage |
15:24 | Chinchilla | Tower Stage |
16:45 | Sofi Tukker | Perry's Stage |
16:45 | The Rose | Bay Stage |
17:18 | L'Impératrice | Tower Stage |
18:00 | Miss Li | Tower Stage |
19:00 | Kygo | Bay Stage |
19:15 | Mando Diao | Park Stage |
20:30 | Fatboy Slim | Perry's Stage |
Friday 30 jun
Time | Artist | Stage |
13:45 | bbno$ | Bay Stage |
13:48 | Holly Humberstone | Park Stage |
14:30 | Maisie Peters | Tower Stage |
14:50 | Iann Dior | Park Stage |
16:15 | Daniela Rathana | Tower Stage |
17:15 | Dean Lewis | Bay Stage |
18:15 | Thomas Stenström | Tower Stage |
19:15 | Zara Larsson | Bay Stage |
20:30 | Lizzo | Tower Stage |
21:31 | Icona Pop | Perry's Stage |
21:43 | King Princess | Park Stage |
Saturday 1 jul
Time | Artist | Stage |
13:00 | Peg Parnevik | Park Stage |
13:34 | estraden | Tower Stage |
13:35 | Peggy Gou | Perry's Stage |
13:45 | Cornelia Jakobs | Bay Stage |
14:39 | Dina Ögon | Park Stage |
15:30 | Maja Francis | Park Stage |
15:54 | Japanese Breakfast | Bay Stage |
16:15 | Victor Leksell | Tower Stage |
18:00 | OneRepublic | Bay Stage |
18:15 | The 1975 | Tower Stage |
19:15 | Lil Nas X | Bay Stage |
20:30 | Mumford & Sons | Tower Stage |
21:37 | J.I.D | Park Stage |