
3 jul - 5 July 2008

05 July

20080706 004904 126990

2008-07-05: Death Cab For Cutie

Photo: Jesper Berg and ...
20080705 235200 709599

2008-07-05: Lola Angst

20080706 002910 138110

2008-07-05: Deathstars

20080706 001659 826148

2008-07-05: Yelle

Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...
20080705 214630 632575

2008-07-05: Maps

20080707 030152 765090

2008-07-05: Lacrosse

20080705 204308 716622

2008-07-05: Looptroop Rockers

20080705 215832 634457

2008-07-05: The Go! Team

Photo: Petter Hellman and ...
20080705 210906 509271

2008-07-05: Jive

20080706 012238 643669

2008-07-05: Combichrist

20080705 185201 107794

2008-07-05: De Lyckliga Kompisarna

Photo: Petter Hellman and ...
20080705 184529 672779

2008-07-05: Kocky

20080705 190535 697838

2008-07-05: Områdesbilder

Photo: Petter Hellman and ...
20080705 203631 607337

2008-07-05: The Mary Onettes

20080705 184619 208700

2008-07-05: Rigas

20080705 184719 111143

2008-07-05: Pacific!

Photo: Jesper Berg
20080705 153108 317088

2008-07-05: Tingsek

20080705 141200 733645

2008-07-05: Volbeat

Photo: Jesper Berg
20081016 164027 717628

2008-07-05: Rockfotostudion

Photo: Rockfoto
20080713 144628 797384

2008-07-05: Anna

20080713 144550 690443

2008-07-05: Soman

20080706 222834 839146

2008-07-05: Hot Chip

20080706 010542 274044

2008-07-05: Behemoth

20080706 004456 449214

2008-07-05: Sadman

20080706 010431 503307

2008-07-05: S.P.O.C.K

04 July

20080705 003922 836088

2008-07-04: Cut Copy

Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...
20080704 232530 523586

2008-07-04: Kent

Photo: Johanna Wallin and ...
20080704 222744 741523

2008-07-04: Le Chic

Photo: Jesper Berg
20080705 003957 597943

2008-07-04: The Crüxshadows

Photo: Tommy Södergren and ...
20080704 215206 194073

2008-07-04: All Ends

20080704 220850 80505

2008-07-04: Soilwork

20080704 214052 807051

2008-07-04: The Hellacopters

Photo: Jesper Berg and ...
20080704 203830 646570

2008-07-04: Kleerup

Photo: Johanna Wallin and ...
20080704 200518 29204

2008-07-04: Andi Almqvist

20080704 233137 467245

2008-07-04: Moonspell

20080704 203941 161969

2008-07-04: Saul Williams

Photo: Jesper Berg
20080704 183449 697687

2008-07-04: Red Cell

20080704 182109 718549

2008-07-04: Miss CMY

Photo: Jesper Berg
20080704 175425 752795

2008-07-04: Lykke Li

Photo: Johanna Wallin and ...
20080704 181348 67143

2008-07-04: Assemblage 23

20080704 180001 702933

2008-07-04: Tikkle Me

20080705 015258 967158

2008-07-04: Rockfotostudion

Photo: Rockfoto
20080704 155910 651162

2008-07-04: Du Pacque

20080704 175633 242566

2008-07-04: Adam Tensta

Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...
20080704 154712 820880

2008-07-04: Anna Järvinen

20080704 135000 444078

2008-07-04: Owl Vision

20080704 140713 478768

2008-07-04: El Perro Del Mar

20080704 154627 627802

2008-07-04: Områdesbilder

Photo: Petter Hellman and ...
20080705 154720 666759

2008-07-04: Surkin

20080705 152957 51653

2008-07-04: Irya Gmeyner

20080706 000356 879170

2008-07-04: And One

20080705 013714 839722

2008-07-04: Interpol

Photo: Jesper Berg and ...
20080705 002904 217401

2008-07-04: Rex the Dog

20080705 142643 405817

2008-07-04: Rotersand

03 July

20080704 020636 402182

2008-07-03: A Mountain of One

Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...
20080704 000939 798587

2008-07-03: The Kooks

Photo: Johanna Wallin and ...
20080704 135855 196062

2008-07-03: Housewives

20080703 231451 219393

2008-07-03: Firefox AK

Photo: Jesper Berg
20080703 230206 787269

2008-07-03: Ismael Ataria

20080704 005136 146382

2008-07-03: Kate Nash

20080703 222429 696124

2008-07-03: The Touch

20080703 222309 948789

2008-07-03: Efterklang

Photo: Jesper Berg and ...
20080704 125542 123068

2008-07-03: Crazy Lixx

20080703 232303 987190

2008-07-03: Håkan Hellström

Photo: Johanna Wallin and ...
20080703 205859 28535

2008-07-03: Slagsmålsklubben

Photo: Petter Brandt and ...
20080703 195319 670536

2008-07-03: Britta Persson

Photo: Jesper Berg
20080704 003424 209285

2008-07-03: Isak Jansson

20080703 182919 906342

2008-07-03: Doktor Kosmos

20080703 182736 432447

2008-07-03: Områdesbilder

Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...
20080703 184252 673105

2008-07-03: Avatar

20080703 185720 432324

2008-07-03: Familjen

Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...
20080703 183332 495249

2008-07-03: Moto Boy

Photo: Jesper Berg
20080703 232616 232030

2008-07-03: Rockfotostudion

Photo: Rockfoto
20080703 171957 774714

2008-07-03: Caveman Blues

20080703 182220 819214

2008-07-03: Markus Krunegård

Photo: Jesper Berg
20080703 144903 917256

2008-07-03: Sagor & Swing

Photo: Jesper Berg
20080703 170018 750622

2008-07-03: Blood Music

20080703 191306 113288

2008-07-03: Enforcer

20080703 164632 896772

2008-07-03: Theo Berndt

20080703 140938 19587

2008-07-03: Timo Räisänen

20080704 131036 916935

2008-07-03: MSTRKRFT

20080704 134238 239049

2008-07-03: O´Death

20080704 125505 332346

2008-07-03: Slayer

Photo: Tommy Södergren and ...
20080704 005838 986383

2008-07-03: Danger

20080704 012723 2567

2008-07-03: Robyn

Photo: Jesper Berg
20080704 125523 185677

2008-07-03: Tamtrum

Thursday 3 jul

Time Artist Stage
13:15 Timo Räisänen Apollo
13:30 Theo Berndt Lyran
15:00 Tikkle Me Lyran
15:10 Enforcer Lyran
15:15 Blood Music Andromeda
15:15 Sagor & Swing Andromeda
15:15 Markus Krunegård Apollo
16:15 Caveman Blues Lyran
17:00 Rockfotostudion Arvikafestivalen
17:00 Områdesbilder Arvikafestivalen
17:15 Moto Boy Andromeda
17:15 Familjen Apollo
18:00 Avatar Lyran
18:00 Områdesbilder Områdesbilder
18:00 Doktor Kosmos Vintergatan
18:30 Isak Jansson Andromeda
19:15 Britta Persson Andromeda
19:15 Slagsmålsklubben Apollo
19:30 Universal Poplab Lyran
20:15 Håkan Hellström Vintergatan
21:00 Crazy Lixx Lyran
21:15 Efterklang Andromeda
21:30 The Touch Orion
21:45 Kate Nash Apollo
22:30 Ismael Ataria Andromeda
22:30 Firefox AK Lyran
22:30 Housewives Orion
22:45 The Kooks Vintergatan
23:45 A Mountain of One Andromeda
00:00 Adam Tensta Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Looptroop Rockers Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Avatar Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Pacific! Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Robyn Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Moto Boy Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Håkan Hellström Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Britta Persson Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Tamtrum Lyran
00:15 Robyn Apollo
00:30 Danger Orion
01:15 Slayer Vintergatan
01:30 O´Death Lyran
01:30 MSTRKRFT Orion
01:30 MSTRKRFT Orion

Friday 4 jul

Time Artist Stage
12:00 Områdesbilder Områdesbilder
12:30 El Perro Del Mar Andromeda
13:30 Owl Vision Lyran
14:45 Anna Järvinen Andromeda
14:45 Adam Tensta Apollo
15:00 Du Pacque Lyran
16:00 Rockfotostudion Arvikafestivalen
16:30 Tikkle Me Lyran
16:45 Assemblage 23 Andromeda
16:45 Lykke Li Apollo
17:30 Miss CMY Orion
17:30 Hardcore Superstar Vintergatan
18:00 Red Cell Lyran
18:45 Saul Williams Andromeda
18:45 Moonspell Apollo
19:30 Andi Almqvist Lyran
19:30 Kleerup Orion
19:45 The Hellacopters Vintergatan
20:45 Soilwork Apollo
21:00 All Ends Lyran
21:30 The Crüxshadows Andromeda
22:00 Le Chic Orion
22:30 The Soulshake Express Lyran
22:30 Kent Vintergatan
22:45 Suicide Commando Apollo
23:30 Cut Copy Andromeda
00:00 Looptroop Rockers Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Lykke Li Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Avatar Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Kent Arvikafestivalen
00:00 The Hellacopters Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Hardcore Superstar Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Kleerup Arvikafestivalen
00:00 The Hellacopters Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Rotersand Lyran
00:00 Rex the Dog Orion
00:00 Rex the Dog Orion
00:30 Interpol Vintergatan
00:30 Interpol Vintergatan
01:30 And One Apollo
01:30 Irya Gmeyner Lyran
01:45 Surkin Orion

Saturday 5 jul

Time Artist Stage
12:00 Rockfotostudion Arvikafestivalen
13:15 Volbeat Andromeda
13:45 Ticking Bombs Lyran
14:15 Tingsek Apollo
15:00 Tall Dark 'n' Handsome Lyran
15:15 In Strict Confidence Andromeda
16:15 Alice In Videoland Apollo
17:00 Pacific! Andromeda
17:00 Rigas Orion
18:00 The Mary Onettes Lyran
18:00 Områdesbilder Områdesbilder
18:00 Kocky Orion
18:00 De Lyckliga Kompisarna Vintergatan
18:15 Combichrist Apollo
19:15 Totalt Jävla Mörker Andromeda
19:30 Jive Lyran
20:15 The Go! Team Apollo
20:15 Looptroop Rockers Vintergatan
21:00 Lacrosse Lyran
21:15 Maps Andromeda
21:15 Yelle Orion
22:15 Deathstars Apollo
22:15 Deathstars Apollo
22:30 Lola Angst Lyran
23:00 Death Cab For Cutie Vintergatan
00:00 S.P.O.C.K Andromeda
00:00 Looptroop Rockers Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Avatar Arvikafestivalen
00:00 De Lyckliga Kompisarna Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Kocky Arvikafestivalen
00:00 Sadman Lyran
00:30 Behemoth Apollo
01:15 Hot Chip Vintergatan
01:45 Soman Lyran
01:45 Anna Orion


Published 19:07 the 5 jul 2008 by Petter Hellman, Max Adolfsson and Petter Brandt
20080705 190535 697838
All photos


Published 16:10 the 16 oct 2008 by Rockfoto
20081016 164027 717628
All photos


Published 01:07 the 5 jul 2008 by Rockfoto
20080709 212755 575852
All photos


Published 15:07 the 4 jul 2008 by Petter Hellman, Tommy Södergren, Petter Brandt and Max Adolfsson
20080709 191454 988747
All photos


Published 18:07 the 3 jul 2008 by Max Adolfsson, Petter Hellman, Johanna Wallin, Tommy Södergren, Emma Svensson, Jesper Berg and Petter Brandt
20080703 182736 432447
All photos


Published 23:07 the 3 jul 2008 by Rockfoto
20080703 232616 232030
All photos