3 jul - 5 July 2008
05 July

2008-07-05: Death Cab For Cutie
Photo: Jesper Berg and ...

2008-07-05: Lola Angst
Photo: Petter Brandt

2008-07-05: Deathstars
Photo: Petter Hellman

2008-07-05: Yelle
Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...

2008-07-05: Maps
Photo: Petter Brandt

2008-07-05: Lacrosse
Photo: Johanna Wallin

2008-07-05: Looptroop Rockers
Photo: Petter Brandt

2008-07-05: The Go! Team
Photo: Petter Hellman and ...

2008-07-05: Jive
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2008-07-05: Totalt Jävla Mörker
Photo: Petter Hellman

2008-07-05: Combichrist
Photo: Tommy Södergren

2008-07-05: De Lyckliga Kompisarna
Photo: Petter Hellman and ...

2008-07-05: Kocky
Photo: Johanna Wallin

2008-07-05: Områdesbilder
Photo: Petter Hellman and ...

2008-07-05: The Mary Onettes
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2008-07-05: Rigas
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2008-07-05: Pacific!
Photo: Jesper Berg

2008-07-05: Alice In Videoland
Photo: Petter Hellman

2008-07-05: In Strict Confidence
Photo: Tommy Södergren

2008-07-05: Tall Dark 'n' Handsome
Photo: Petter Brandt

2008-07-05: Tingsek
Photo: Johanna Wallin

2008-07-05: Volbeat
Photo: Jesper Berg

2008-07-05: Rockfotostudion
Photo: Rockfoto

2008-07-05: Anna
Photo: Petter Hellman

2008-07-05: Soman
Photo: Petter Hellman

2008-07-05: Hot Chip
Photo: Petter Brandt

2008-07-05: Behemoth
Photo: Tommy Södergren

2008-07-05: Sadman
Photo: Petter Brandt

2008-07-05: S.P.O.C.K
Photo: Petter Hellman
04 July

2008-07-04: Cut Copy
Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...

2008-07-04: Suicide Commando
Photo: Tommy Södergren

2008-07-04: Kent
Photo: Johanna Wallin and ...

2008-07-04: The Soulshake Express
Photo: Petter Hellman

2008-07-04: Le Chic
Photo: Jesper Berg

2008-07-04: The Crüxshadows
Photo: Tommy Södergren and ...

2008-07-04: All Ends
Photo: Johanna Wallin

2008-07-04: Soilwork
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2008-07-04: The Hellacopters
Photo: Jesper Berg and ...

2008-07-04: Kleerup
Photo: Johanna Wallin and ...

2008-07-04: Andi Almqvist
Photo: Petter Brandt

2008-07-04: Moonspell
Photo: Tommy Södergren

2008-07-04: Saul Williams
Photo: Jesper Berg

2008-07-04: Red Cell
Photo: Petter Brandt

2008-07-04: Hardcore Superstar
Photo: Tommy Södergren

2008-07-04: Miss CMY
Photo: Jesper Berg

2008-07-04: Lykke Li
Photo: Johanna Wallin and ...

2008-07-04: Assemblage 23
Photo: Tommy Södergren

2008-07-04: Tikkle Me
Photo: Petter Brandt

2008-07-04: Rockfotostudion
Photo: Rockfoto

2008-07-04: Du Pacque
Photo: Petter Hellman

2008-07-04: Adam Tensta
Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...

2008-07-04: Anna Järvinen
Photo: Johanna Wallin

2008-07-04: Owl Vision
Photo: Tommy Södergren

2008-07-04: El Perro Del Mar
Photo: Petter Hellman

2008-07-04: Områdesbilder
Photo: Petter Hellman and ...

2008-07-04: Surkin
Photo: Petter Brandt

2008-07-04: Irya Gmeyner
Photo: Petter Hellman

2008-07-04: And One
Photo: Tommy Södergren

2008-07-04: Interpol
Photo: Jesper Berg and ...

2008-07-04: Rex the Dog
Photo: Petter Hellman

2008-07-04: Rotersand
Photo: Max Adolfsson
03 July

2008-07-03: A Mountain of One
Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...

2008-07-03: The Kooks
Photo: Johanna Wallin and ...

2008-07-03: Housewives
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2008-07-03: Firefox AK
Photo: Jesper Berg

2008-07-03: Ismael Ataria
Photo: Petter Brandt

2008-07-03: Kate Nash
Photo: Petter Hellman

2008-07-03: The Touch
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2008-07-03: Efterklang
Photo: Jesper Berg and ...

2008-07-03: Crazy Lixx
Photo: Tommy Södergren

2008-07-03: Håkan Hellström
Photo: Johanna Wallin and ...

2008-07-03: Universal Poplab
Photo: Tommy Södergren

2008-07-03: Slagsmålsklubben
Photo: Petter Brandt and ...

2008-07-03: Britta Persson
Photo: Jesper Berg

2008-07-03: Isak Jansson
Photo: Tommy Södergren

2008-07-03: Doktor Kosmos
Photo: Emma Svensson

2008-07-03: Områdesbilder
Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...

2008-07-03: Avatar
Photo: Petter Hellman

2008-07-03: Familjen
Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...

2008-07-03: Moto Boy
Photo: Jesper Berg

2008-07-03: Rockfotostudion
Photo: Rockfoto

2008-07-03: Caveman Blues
Photo: Petter Hellman

2008-07-03: Markus Krunegård
Photo: Jesper Berg

2008-07-03: Sagor & Swing
Photo: Jesper Berg

2008-07-03: Blood Music
Photo: Petter Brandt

2008-07-03: Enforcer
Photo: Tommy Södergren

2008-07-03: Theo Berndt
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2008-07-03: Timo Räisänen
Photo: Petter Hellman

2008-07-03: MSTRKRFT
Photo: Johanna Wallin

2008-07-03: O´Death
Photo: Petter Hellman

2008-07-03: Slayer
Photo: Tommy Södergren and ...

2008-07-03: Danger
Photo: Petter Brandt

2008-07-03: Robyn
Photo: Jesper Berg

2008-07-03: Tamtrum
Photo: Tommy Södergren
Thursday 3 jul
Time | Artist | Stage |
13:15 | Timo Räisänen | Apollo |
13:30 | Theo Berndt | Lyran |
15:00 | Tikkle Me | Lyran |
15:10 | Enforcer | Lyran |
15:15 | Blood Music | Andromeda |
15:15 | Sagor & Swing | Andromeda |
15:15 | Markus Krunegård | Apollo |
16:15 | Caveman Blues | Lyran |
17:00 | Rockfotostudion | Arvikafestivalen |
17:00 | Områdesbilder | Arvikafestivalen |
17:15 | Moto Boy | Andromeda |
17:15 | Familjen | Apollo |
18:00 | Avatar | Lyran |
18:00 | Områdesbilder | Områdesbilder |
18:00 | Doktor Kosmos | Vintergatan |
18:30 | Isak Jansson | Andromeda |
19:15 | Britta Persson | Andromeda |
19:15 | Slagsmålsklubben | Apollo |
19:30 | Universal Poplab | Lyran |
20:15 | Håkan Hellström | Vintergatan |
21:00 | Crazy Lixx | Lyran |
21:15 | Efterklang | Andromeda |
21:30 | The Touch | Orion |
21:45 | Kate Nash | Apollo |
22:30 | Ismael Ataria | Andromeda |
22:30 | Firefox AK | Lyran |
22:30 | Housewives | Orion |
22:45 | The Kooks | Vintergatan |
23:45 | A Mountain of One | Andromeda |
00:00 | Adam Tensta | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Looptroop Rockers | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Avatar | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Pacific! | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Robyn | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Moto Boy | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Håkan Hellström | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Britta Persson | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Tamtrum | Lyran |
00:15 | Robyn | Apollo |
00:30 | Danger | Orion |
01:15 | Slayer | Vintergatan |
01:30 | O´Death | Lyran |
01:30 | MSTRKRFT | Orion |
01:30 | MSTRKRFT | Orion |
Friday 4 jul
Time | Artist | Stage |
12:00 | Områdesbilder | Områdesbilder |
12:30 | El Perro Del Mar | Andromeda |
13:30 | Owl Vision | Lyran |
14:45 | Anna Järvinen | Andromeda |
14:45 | Adam Tensta | Apollo |
15:00 | Du Pacque | Lyran |
16:00 | Rockfotostudion | Arvikafestivalen |
16:30 | Tikkle Me | Lyran |
16:45 | Assemblage 23 | Andromeda |
16:45 | Lykke Li | Apollo |
17:30 | Miss CMY | Orion |
17:30 | Hardcore Superstar | Vintergatan |
18:00 | Red Cell | Lyran |
18:45 | Saul Williams | Andromeda |
18:45 | Moonspell | Apollo |
19:30 | Andi Almqvist | Lyran |
19:30 | Kleerup | Orion |
19:45 | The Hellacopters | Vintergatan |
20:45 | Soilwork | Apollo |
21:00 | All Ends | Lyran |
21:30 | The Crüxshadows | Andromeda |
22:00 | Le Chic | Orion |
22:30 | The Soulshake Express | Lyran |
22:30 | Kent | Vintergatan |
22:45 | Suicide Commando | Apollo |
23:30 | Cut Copy | Andromeda |
00:00 | Looptroop Rockers | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Lykke Li | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Avatar | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Kent | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | The Hellacopters | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Hardcore Superstar | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Kleerup | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | The Hellacopters | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Rotersand | Lyran |
00:00 | Rex the Dog | Orion |
00:00 | Rex the Dog | Orion |
00:30 | Interpol | Vintergatan |
00:30 | Interpol | Vintergatan |
01:30 | And One | Apollo |
01:30 | Irya Gmeyner | Lyran |
01:45 | Surkin | Orion |
Saturday 5 jul
Time | Artist | Stage |
12:00 | Rockfotostudion | Arvikafestivalen |
13:15 | Volbeat | Andromeda |
13:45 | Ticking Bombs | Lyran |
14:15 | Tingsek | Apollo |
15:00 | Tall Dark 'n' Handsome | Lyran |
15:15 | In Strict Confidence | Andromeda |
16:15 | Alice In Videoland | Apollo |
17:00 | Pacific! | Andromeda |
17:00 | Rigas | Orion |
18:00 | The Mary Onettes | Lyran |
18:00 | Områdesbilder | Områdesbilder |
18:00 | Kocky | Orion |
18:00 | De Lyckliga Kompisarna | Vintergatan |
18:15 | Combichrist | Apollo |
19:15 | Totalt Jävla Mörker | Andromeda |
19:30 | Jive | Lyran |
20:15 | The Go! Team | Apollo |
20:15 | Looptroop Rockers | Vintergatan |
21:00 | Lacrosse | Lyran |
21:15 | Maps | Andromeda |
21:15 | Yelle | Orion |
22:15 | Deathstars | Apollo |
22:15 | Deathstars | Apollo |
22:30 | Lola Angst | Lyran |
23:00 | Death Cab For Cutie | Vintergatan |
00:00 | S.P.O.C.K | Andromeda |
00:00 | Looptroop Rockers | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Avatar | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | De Lyckliga Kompisarna | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Kocky | Arvikafestivalen |
00:00 | Sadman | Lyran |
00:30 | Behemoth | Apollo |
01:15 | Hot Chip | Vintergatan |
01:45 | Soman | Lyran |
01:45 | Anna | Orion |