12 jul - 14 July 2007
14 July

2007-07-14: Kloq
Photo: Petter Brandt

2007-07-14: The Magic Numbers
Photo: Pauline Benthede and ...

2007-07-14: Zeigeist
Photo: Petter Brandt

2007-07-14: Ashbury Heights
Photo: Alexander Fyrdahl

2007-07-14: Patrick Wolf
Photo: Jesper Berg and ...

2007-07-14: Majken Tajken
Photo: Alexander Fyrdahl

2007-07-14: Sabaton
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2007-07-14: Slagsmålsklubben
Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...

2007-07-14: Powerplay
Photo: Jesper Berg

2007-07-14: Svenska Akademien
Photo: Alexander Fyrdahl

2007-07-14: Tingsek
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2007-07-14: Pain
Photo: Jesper Berg

2007-07-14: Emil Jensen
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2007-07-14: Kristian Anttila
Photo: Jesper Berg and ...

2007-07-14: Mixtapes And Cellmates
Photo: Petter Brandt

2007-07-14: Ida Maria
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2007-07-14: Necro Facility
Photo: Alexander Fyrdahl

2007-07-14: Mentidice
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2007-07-14: Midnight Monkeys
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2007-07-14: Boeoes Kaelstigen
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2007-07-14: VNV Nation
Photo: Alexander Fyrdahl

2007-07-14: Pluxus
Photo: Petter Brandt

2007-07-14: Sonic Syndicate
Photo: Jesper Berg

2007-07-14: Apoptygma Berzerk
Photo: Pauline Benthede
13 July

2007-07-13: Hey Willpower
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2007-07-13: In Flames
Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...

2007-07-13: Ellen Allien
Photo: Jesper Berg

2007-07-13: I AM X
Photo: Jesper Berg

2007-07-13: Memfis
Photo: Petter Brandt

2007-07-13: Hocico
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2007-07-13: Lillasyster
Photo: Jesper Berg

2007-07-13: Nine
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2007-07-13: Melody Club
Photo: Petter Brandt and ...

2007-07-13: Juvelen
Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...

2007-07-13: Familjen
Photo: Jesper Berg and ...

2007-07-13: Consequences
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2007-07-13: Dark Tranquillity
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2007-07-13: Laakso
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2007-07-13: Marit Bergman
Photo: Alexander Fyrdahl and ...

2007-07-13: Frozen Plasma
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2007-07-13: Shout Out Louds
Photo: Petter Brandt and ...

2007-07-13: Detektivbyrån
Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...

2007-07-13: Vapnet
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2007-07-13: Miss Li
Photo: Petter Brandt

2007-07-13: [Ingenting]
Photo: Jesper Berg and ...

2007-07-13: Last Days Of April
Photo: Alexander Fyrdahl and ...

2007-07-13: The Mellow Bright Band
Photo: Petter Brandt

2007-07-13: Infected Mushroom
Photo: Petter Brandt

2007-07-13: Keep of Kalessin
Photo: Alexander Fyrdahl

2007-07-13: Strip Music
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2007-07-13: The Tough Alliance
Photo: Jesper Berg and ...
12 July

2007-07-12: 120 Days
Photo: Jesper Berg

2007-07-12: Frontline Assembly
Photo: Alexander Fyrdahl and ...

2007-07-12: Bloc Party
Photo: Max Adolfsson and ...

2007-07-12: Portion Control
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2007-07-12: Asha Ali
Photo: Petter Brandt

2007-07-12: Within Temptation
Photo: Alexander Fyrdahl

2007-07-12: Iambia
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2007-07-12: The Ark
Photo: Petter Brandt and ...

2007-07-12: Wendy McNeill
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2007-07-12: Vomitory
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2007-07-12: Max Peezay & Mapei feat. Timbuktu & Damn!
Photo: Petter Brandt

2007-07-12: Mustasch
Photo: Alexander Fyrdahl

2007-07-12: Mando Diao
Photo: Pauline Benthede and ...

2007-07-12: Maia Hirasawa
Photo: Max Adolfsson

2007-07-12: Backlash
Photo: Petter Brandt

2007-07-12: 69 eyes
Photo: Jesper Berg

2007-07-12: Timbuktu
Photo: Jesper Berg and ...

2007-07-12: The Paper Faces
Photo: Petter Brandt

2007-07-12: Hellsongs
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2007-07-12: Yoyoyo Acapulco
Photo: Jesper Berg

2007-07-12: The Scrags
Photo: Petter Brandt

2007-07-12: Områdesbilder
Photo: Alexander Fyrdahl

2007-07-12: Hans Appelqvist
Photo: Jesper Berg

2007-07-12: Weeping Willows
Photo: Pauline Benthede and ...

2007-07-12: Aerial
Photo: Alexander Fyrdahl

2007-07-12: Scissor Sisters
Photo: Petter Brandt and ...

2007-07-12: Nouvelle Vague
Photo: Max Adolfsson
Thursday 12 jul
Time | Artist | Stage |
12:00 | Områdesbilder | Områdesbilder |
13:00 | The Scrags | Lyran |
14:30 | Yoyoyo Acapulco | Lyran |
16:00 | Hellsongs | Andromeda |
16:00 | The Paper Faces | Lyran |
16:00 | Timbuktu | Vintergatan |
17:00 | 69 eyes | Apollo |
17:30 | Backlash | Lyran |
17:30 | Marit Bergman | Vintergatan |
18:00 | Maia Hirasawa | Andromeda |
18:00 | Mando Diao | Vintergatan |
19:00 | Mustasch | Apollo |
19:00 | Max Peezay & Mapei feat. Timbuktu & Damn! | Jamobilen |
19:00 | Vomitory | Lyran |
20:00 | Wendy McNeill | Andromeda |
20:00 | The Ark | Vintergatan |
20:30 | Iambia | Lyran |
21:00 | Within Temptation | Apollo |
22:00 | Asha Ali | Andromeda |
22:00 | Portion Control | Lyran |
22:00 | Bloc Party | Vintergatan |
23:30 | Frontline Assembly | Apollo |
23:30 | 120 Days | Lyran |
00:30 | Nouvelle Vague | Andromeda |
00:30 | Scissor Sisters | Vintergatan |
01:00 | Aerial | Lyran |
02:00 | Weeping Willows | Apollo |
02:30 | Hans Appelqvist | Andromeda |
Friday 13 jul
Time | Artist | Stage |
13:00 | The Mellow Bright Band | Lyran |
13:30 | Last Days Of April | Andromeda |
14:30 | [Ingenting] | Apollo |
14:30 | Hans Appelqvist | Apollo |
14:30 | Miss Li | Lyran |
15:30 | Vapnet | Andromeda |
16:00 | Detektivbyrån | Lyran |
16:30 | Shout Out Louds | Apollo |
17:30 | Frozen Plasma | Lyran |
17:30 | Marit Bergman | Vintergatan |
18:00 | Laakso | Andromeda |
19:00 | Dark Tranquillity | Apollo |
19:00 | Consequences | Lyran |
19:00 | Familjen | Orion |
20:00 | Juvelen | Orion |
20:00 | Melody Club | Vintergatan |
20:30 | Nine | Andromeda |
20:30 | Lillasyster | Lyran |
21:30 | Hocico | Apollo |
22:00 | Memfis | Lyran |
22:30 | I AM X | Andromeda |
22:30 | Ellen Allien | Orion |
22:30 | In Flames | Vintergatan |
23:30 | Hey Willpower | Lyran |
00:00 | The Tough Alliance | Apollo |
01:00 | Strip Music | Andromeda |
01:00 | Keep of Kalessin | Lyran |
01:00 | Infected Mushroom | Vintergatan |
Saturday 14 jul
Time | Artist | Stage |
13:00 | Midnight Monkeys | Lyran |
13:30 | Mentidice | Andromeda |
15:30 | Necro Facility | Andromeda |
15:30 | Ida Maria | Lyran |
16:00 | Mixtapes And Cellmates | Lyran |
16:30 | Kristian Anttila | Apollo |
17:15 | Emil Jensen | Lyran |
17:30 | Pain | Vintergatan |
18:00 | Tingsek | Andromeda |
19:00 | Svenska Akademien | Apollo |
19:00 | Powerplay | Lyran |
20:00 | Slagsmålsklubben | Vintergatan |
20:30 | Sabaton | Andromeda |
20:30 | Majken Tajken | Lyran |
21:30 | Patrick Wolf | Apollo |
22:00 | Ashbury Heights | Lyran |
22:30 | Zeigeist | Andromeda |
23:00 | The Magic Numbers | Vintergatan |
23:30 | Kloq | Lyran |
00:30 | Apoptygma Berzerk | Apollo |
01:00 | Sonic Syndicate | Lyran |
01:30 | Pluxus | Andromeda |
01:30 | VNV Nation | Vintergatan |
02:00 | Boeoes Kaelstigen | Orion |