13 jul - 15 July 2006
15 July

2006-07-15: The Embassy
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-15: Sophie Rimheden
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-15: Covenant
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-15: Nun
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-15: The Radio Dept.
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-15: Teddybears STHLM
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-15: Molotov Jive
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-15: Swing Fly
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-15: Kaizers Orchestra
Photo: Pauline Benthede and ...

2006-07-15: Montt Mardié
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-15: ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead
Photo: Emma Svensson and ...

2006-07-15: Khoma
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-15: Astral Doors
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-15: Laleh
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-15: Cyro
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-15: Soulshake Express
Photo: Emma Svensson

2006-07-15: Suicidal Seduction
Photo: Emma Svensson

2006-07-15: Torgny Melins
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-15: Ladytron
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-15: Funker Vogt
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-15: Hellfueled
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-15: Franz Ferdinand
Photo: Jesper Frisk and ...
14 July

2006-07-14: Face Down
Photo: Emma Svensson

2006-07-14: Tiger Lou
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-14: Nitzer Ebb
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-14: The Young Gods
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-14: Midaircondo
Photo: Jesper Frisk and ...

2006-07-14: Suburban Kids With Biblical Names
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-14: 047
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-14: Satyricon
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-14: Timo Räisänen
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-14: The Sounds
Photo: Emma Svensson

2006-07-14: Mellowmen
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-14: Slagsmålsklubben
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-14: Billie the Vision & the Dancers
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-14: Hello Saferide
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-14: Combichrist
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-14: Irya Gmeyner
Photo: Emma Svensson

2006-07-14: Nationalteatern
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-14: Burst
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-14: Cheshire Cat
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-14: Kilroy
Photo: Emma Svensson

2006-07-14: The Knife
Photo: Sara Moritz and ...

2006-07-14: Colony 5
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-14: Du Är Christer Pettersson Du Också
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-14: Cat5
Photo: Emma Svensson
13 July

2006-07-13: Pascal
Photo: Emma Svensson

2006-07-13: Blutengel
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-13: Firefox AK
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-13: Evergrey
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-13: Thåström
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-13: Miss The Point
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-13: Arch Enemy
Photo: Emma Svensson

2006-07-13: Le Mans
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-13: Client
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-13: Johnny Boy
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-13: Dia Psalma
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-13: Snow Patrol
Photo: Emma Svensson

2006-07-13: Hype
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-13: Club Studio One
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-13: Max Peezay
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-13: Las Palmas
Photo: Emma Svensson

2006-07-13: Petter
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-13: Joseph Tholl
Photo: Emma Svensson

2006-07-13: Laakso
Photo: Pauline Benthede

2006-07-13: Opel
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-13: Crystal Method
Photo: Jesper Frisk and ...

2006-07-13: Thermostatic
Photo: Jesper Frisk

2006-07-13: Turbonegro
Photo: Jesper Frisk and ...

2006-07-13: DJ Keni
Photo: Sara Moritz

2006-07-13: Alice In Videoland
Photo: Sara Moritz
Thursday 13 jul
Time | Artist | Stage |
13:00 | Opel | Lyran |
14:00 | Laakso | Andromeda |
14:30 | Joseph Tholl | Lyran |
15:00 | Petter | Apollo |
16:00 | Las Palmas | Lyran |
16:00 | Max Peezay | Andromeda |
17:00 | Club Studio One | Apollo |
17:30 | Hype | Lyran |
18:00 | DJ Keni | Andromeda |
18:00 | Snow Patrol | Andromeda |
19:00 | Dia Psalma | Vintergatan |
19:00 | Johnny Boy | Lyran |
20:00 | Client | Andromeda |
20:30 | Le Mans | Lyran |
20:45 | Arch Enemy | Apollo |
21:00 | Miss The Point | Campingscenen |
21:45 | Thåström | Vintergatan |
22:00 | Evergrey | Andromeda |
22:00 | Firefox AK | Lyran |
23:00 | Blutengel | Apollo |
23:30 | Pascal | Lyran |
00:00 | Alice In Videoland | Andromeda |
00:00 | DJ Keni | Orion |
00:00 | Turbonegro | Vintergatan |
01:00 | Thermostatic | Lyran |
01:30 | Crystal Method | Apollo |
Friday 14 jul
Time | Artist | Stage |
12:45 | Kilroy | Lyran |
14:15 | Cheshire Cat | Lyran |
15:00 | Burst | Andromeda |
15:00 | Nationalteatern | Vintergatan |
15:45 | Irya Gmeyner | Lyran |
16:00 | Combichrist | Apollo |
16:00 | Laleh | Apollo |
17:00 | Hello Saferide | Andromeda |
17:15 | Billie the Vision & the Dancers | Lyran |
18:00 | Slagsmålsklubben | Apollo |
18:45 | Mellowmen | Lyran |
19:00 | The Sounds | Vintergatan |
19:00 | Timo Räisänen | Andromeda |
20:00 | Satyricon | Apollo |
20:15 | 047 | Lyran |
20:15 | 047 | Andromeda |
21:00 | Suburban Kids With Biblical Names | Andromeda |
21:45 | Midaircondo | Lyran |
22:00 | The Young Gods | Apollo |
23:00 | Nitzer Ebb | Vintergatan |
23:00 | Tiger Lou | Andromeda |
23:15 | Face Down | Lyran |
00:00 | Cat5 | Apollo |
00:45 | Du Är Christer Pettersson Du Också | Lyran |
01:00 | Colony 5 | Andromeda |
01:00 | The Knife | Vintergatan |
Saturday 15 jul
Time | Artist | Stage |
13:00 | Torgny Melins | Andromeda |
13:15 | Suicidal Seduction | Lyran |
14:45 | Soulshake Express | Lyran |
15:00 | Cyro | Andromeda |
16:00 | Laleh | Apollo |
16:15 | Astral Doors | Lyran |
17:00 | Khoma | Andromeda |
18:00 | ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead | Apollo |
18:00 | Montt Mardié | Lyran |
19:00 | Kaizers Orchestra | Vintergatan |
19:00 | Swing Fly | Andromeda |
20:00 | Molotov Jive | Lyran |
21:00 | Teddybears STHLM | Vintergatan |
21:00 | The Radio Dept. | Andromeda |
21:30 | Nun | Lyran |
22:00 | Covenant | Apollo |
23:00 | Sophie Rimheden | Lyran |
23:00 | The Embassy | Andromeda |
00:15 | Franz Ferdinand | Vintergatan |
00:30 | Hellfueled | Lyran |
00:30 | Hellfueled | Apollo |
01:00 | Funker Vogt | Andromeda |
02:00 | Ladytron | Apollo |