
14 jul - 16 July 2005

16 July

20050716 230739 90385700

2005-07-16: Acid House Kings

Photo: Jesper Frisk
20050716 220748 80953400

2005-07-16: Strip Music

20050716 220706 85838500

2005-07-16: Deine Lakaien

20050716 210737 70948100

2005-07-16: 8 KHZ Mono

20070418 160414 13654800

2005-07-16: Håkan Hellström

Photo: Emma Svensson and ...
20050716 200732 48287700

2005-07-16: Welle: Erdball

20050716 200736 77692300

2005-07-16: Lo-Fi-Fnk

20050716 200747 51795800

2005-07-16: Ed Harcourt

Photo: Pauline Benthede and ...
20070320 180349 03579300

2005-07-16: The Ark

Photo: Emma Svensson and ...
20050716 180736 94767000

2005-07-16: Kilroy

20050716 180723 01794700

2005-07-16: Junior Boys

20050716 170721 47873000

2005-07-16: The Kid

Photo: Tuben Persson and ...
20050716 160737 87591100

2005-07-16: Dimbodius

20050716 160716 72694000

2005-07-16: Speech Defect

Photo: Jesper Frisk
20050716 160748 72125600

2005-07-16: The Concretes

Photo: Pauline Benthede and ...
20050716 140752 23116300

2005-07-16: Differnet

20050719 230708 73112600

2005-07-16: Johnossi

Photo: Pauline Benthede and ...
20050716 150707 21536800

2005-07-16: Banco De Gaia

20050717 210712 61042100

2005-07-16: Cult of Luna

20050717 000746 37122400

2005-07-16: Path Of No Return

15 July

20050715 230735 73034500

2005-07-15: VNV Nation

20050715 220742 56393500

2005-07-15: Laleh

Photo: Jesper Frisk
20050715 220702 66814200

2005-07-15: Electrocute

Photo: Tuben Persson and ...
20050715 210712 57846900

2005-07-15: Moneybrother

Photo: Jesper Frisk
20050715 210723 22691000

2005-07-15: Jenny Wilson

20050715 200726 70583600

2005-07-15: Tiger Tunes

Photo: Emma Svensson and ...
20050715 200741 22734200

2005-07-15: The Kristet Utseende

Photo: Tuben Persson and ...
20050715 200741 08920400

2005-07-15: The Je Ne Sais Quoi

Photo: Emma Svensson and ...
20050715 180749 41610900

2005-07-15: Svenska Akademien

Photo: Jesper Frisk
20070320 160352 94610700

2005-07-15: Lars Winnerbäck

20050715 200710 36138200

2005-07-15: Henry Fiat's Open Sore

Photo: Pauline Benthede and ...
20050715 170716 81225300

2005-07-15: Arise

20050715 170758 95373300

2005-07-15: Timo Räisänen

20050715 170755 61240500

2005-07-15: Timbuktu

20050715 160728 39999700

2005-07-15: They Live By Night

Photo: Tuben Persson and ...
20050715 150707 54524900

2005-07-15: Ane Brun

20050715 160705 86378100

2005-07-15: Brus

20050715 130754 37881700

2005-07-15: Sparzanza

20050715 140737 83348400

2005-07-15: Looptroop

20050715 120736 34402400

2005-07-15: Thomas Dybdahl

20050716 130710 41287900

2005-07-15: The Tough Alliance

Photo: Tuben Persson and ...
20050716 130707 70067600

2005-07-15: Necro Facility

20050716 000723 18248700

2005-07-15: The Similou

Photo: Tuben Persson and ...
20050716 000737 40835400

2005-07-15: [:SITD:]

14 July

20070603 000629 44733000

2005-07-14: Gåte

Photo: Jesper Frisk
20050714 220720 53222100

2005-07-14: Entombed

20050714 220755 08984900

2005-07-14: DAF

20050714 220757 81259500

2005-07-14: Deltahead

20050714 200729 85792100

2005-07-14: Bright Eyes

Photo: Tuben Persson and ...
20050714 200714 65403600

2005-07-14: Spetsnaz

20070603 010614 93645700

2005-07-14: [Ingenting]

Photo: Jesper Frisk
20050714 190722 22369000

2005-07-14: Elegant Machinery

Photo: Pauline Benthede and ...
20050714 180751 96088700

2005-07-14: Rilo Kiley

20050714 180759 41324200

2005-07-14: Kin

20050714 190752 17690600

2005-07-14: Silverbullit

Photo: Pauline Benthede and ...
20050714 160729 87142400

2005-07-14: Pistol Disco

20070603 000643 21484600

2005-07-14: Di Leva

Photo: Jesper Frisk
20061229 191235 09536500

2005-07-14: Slagsmålsklubben

Photo: Jesper Frisk
20050715 120732 64898800

2005-07-14: Mustasch

20050715 140716 27482800

2005-07-14: Firefox AK

20050715 140743 98871400

2005-07-14: Infusion

20050715 140758 23872900

2005-07-14: Enter The Hunt

20050714 160718 51593300

2005-07-14: CDOASS

Photo: Emma Svensson and ...
20050714 160711 79946500

2005-07-14: Powerplay

20070603 000656 96649600

2005-07-14: New Order

Photo: Jesper Frisk and ...
20050715 000728 54971600

2005-07-14: Madrugada

Thursday 14 jul

Time Artist Stage
14:00 Slagsmålsklubben Andromeda
15:00 Khonnor Vintergatan
15:00 Khonnor Apollo
16:00 Di Leva Vintergatan
16:30 Pistol Disco Lyran
17:45 Silverbullit Apollo
18:00 Kin Lyran
18:00 Rilo Kiley Andromeda
19:00 Elegant Machinery Vintergatan
19:30 [Ingenting] Lyran
20:00 Spetsnaz Andromeda
20:30 Bright Eyes Apollo
21:00 Deltahead Lyran
21:30 DAF Vintergatan
22:00 Entombed Andromeda
22:30 Gåte Lyran
22:30 The Faint Apollo
00:00 Madrugada Andromeda
00:00 New Order Vintergatan
00:00 Powerplay Lyran
00:00 CDOASS Andromeda
00:00 Pistol Disco Lyran
00:15 Enter The Hunt Lyran
01:30 Infusion Apollo
02:00 Firefox AK Lyran
02:00 Mustasch Andromeda

Friday 15 jul

Time Artist Stage
12:00 Thomas Dybdahl Andromeda
13:00 Looptroop Apollo
13:00 Sparzanza Lyran
14:00 ECU feat. Mystical Roots Andromeda
14:00 Johnossi Andromeda
14:15 Brus Lyran
15:00 Ane Brun Apollo
15:30 They Live By Night Lyran
16:00 Timbuktu Vintergatan
16:00 Timo Räisänen Andromeda
16:45 Arise Lyran
17:00 Freddie Wadling Apollo
18:00 Henry Fiat's Open Sore Lyran
18:00 Lars Winnerbäck Vintergatan
18:00 Svenska Akademien Andromeda
19:30 The Je Ne Sais Quoi Lyran
20:00 The Kristet Utseende Apollo
20:00 Tiger Tunes Andromeda
21:00 Jenny Wilson Lyran
21:00 Moneybrother Vintergatan
22:00 Electrocute Apollo
22:00 Laleh Andromeda
22:30 Frida Hyvönen Lyran
23:00 VNV Nation Vintergatan
00:00 [:SITD:] Andromeda
00:15 The Similou Lyran
02:00 Necro Facility Lyran
02:00 The Tough Alliance Andromeda

Saturday 16 jul

Time Artist Stage
12:00 Banco De Gaia Apollo
14:00 Johnossi Andromeda
14:15 Differnet Lyran
15:00 The Concretes Apollo
15:30 Speech Defect Lyran
16:00 Dimbodius Andromeda
16:45 The Kid Lyran
17:15 Robyn Apollo
18:00 Junior Boys Andromeda
18:00 Kilroy Lyran
18:30 The Ark Vintergatan
19:30 Ed Harcourt Apollo
19:30 Lo-Fi-Fnk Lyran
20:00 Welle: Erdball Andromeda
20:30 Håkan Hellström Vintergatan
21:00 8 KHZ Mono Lyran
22:00 Deine Lakaien Apollo
22:00 Strip Music Andromeda
22:30 Acid House Kings Lyran
00:00 Annie Andromeda
00:15 Path Of No Return Lyran
01:00 Infected Mushroom Vintergatan
02:00 Code 64 Lyran
02:00 Cult of Luna Andromeda

  • Band- & artist photos by Sweden's best music photographers